Posted: November 14, 2010 at 10:22 am
Throughout the 80’s and 90’s whenever Shark Island was big mean and double sucking Chris Iredale always seemed to manage to find the biggest and best barrel of the day. He would pull in across Whiterock and just stand there like it was nothing at all as Surge opened up inside like Jenolan Caves. Sometimes the reef behind him would be warping and bending but he casually just rode it out rarely wiping out. This pic of Chris was taken by Greg Button one of the best water photographers around that time. It appeared in Surfing World Annual 8 in ’83. Two Island legends in the right place at the right time resulted in a timeless Island moment.
Posted in Shark Island
Posted: November 12, 2010 at 7:32 am
As always, Micks pulling his casual pose in the eye of the storm. The reef can be almost dry with barnacle heads poking up just inches under the surface but Mick just rides on regardless. Cool under pressure making it look to easy. Shark Island is not for the soft hearted. Pic taken around mid 80s by Chris Stroh.
Posted in Shark Island
Posted: November 12, 2010 at 7:25 am
Mark Ryan earned a solid reputation in the 90’s for his tube riding and charging at The Point and Shark Island. He always had the knack of being in the right place at the right time . Mark also kept the local Skaters happy when he opened Vert X indoor SK8 park at Taren Point. Below Mark ,deep throat shot Circa ’90 photo by Chris Stroh
Posted in Shark Island
Posted: November 5, 2010 at 7:50 pm
When Gary ‘Kong ” Elkerton was in his prime in the 80’s, during the Beaurapaires Tyre Open at Cronulla the Island turned on and the local crew got to see the Qld animal in the flesh. One pic from this day ended up on a classic Piping Hot poster photographed by Peter Simons. Simon Anderson and Californian Will Morris also ventured out this day.Other shots ended up in a 6 page article in Waves Magazine Nov 87 featured below.It was the first time that outsiders had invaded the sacred reef and came away with the photographic proof of what the Island was capable of. For a first timer,Kong was a natural.
Posted in In The Media | Shark Island
Posted: November 5, 2010 at 7:36 pm
His real name is Steve Feinbeer and he’s not the 6 million dollar man.Stevo comes from a surfing family. His brother Wazza and dad are mad bodyboarders at the Island while Steve chose to standup. The trio where renown for surfing out of the way places like Bear Island, Solander and lots of secret unknown rock ledges around the area long before they became fashionable. It always had to be big thick, heavy and reef bottom. This shot shows Steve lining it up at Shark Island always casual and stylish. Photo Chris Stroh Circa 90’s
Posted in Shark Island
Posted: November 5, 2010 at 12:57 pm
Underground Surf Magazine hit the newsagent’s shelves in Autumn 94. Local Elouera surfing identity Ben Horvath now the Coastal Watch man was the driving force. Bens mag was alternative and different to all the others focusing on cutting edge fashion, music and showing a more youthful and rebellious side to surfing. Plus it had plenty of Southside of the harbor coverage. It was also pretty contreversial with strippers etc that had the censors working overtime. Rusty Moran scored the cover of the first issue wearing his trademark Gath helmet that he was rarely seen without back in those days. Taken on a 2 metre south east day with a wrapping east bowl making things interesting. Rusty was making it look easy. Photo Chris Stroh
Posted in 90's | In The Media | Shark Island
Posted: October 13, 2010 at 6:05 pm
Posted in Modern | Shark Island