Tim Vanderlaan

Posted: June 8, 2011 at 7:01 pm

Tim Vanderlaan grew up on the hill at Wanda overlooking the beach in the family home. An accomplished Mal rider he took up Surf photography around the mid 70’s which resulted  in many of his Cronulla  images appearing in magazines over the past decades. This photo taken by Tim of an empty Shark Island wave was his first published photo in Surfing World.

Posted in 70's | Shark Island


Posted: June 2, 2011 at 7:08 pm

Gerry “Popout” Manion Shark Island 78/79 taken with a Nikonos underwater camera with 35mm lens…photo Chris Stroh

Posted in 70's | Shark Island

Ian Revell

Posted: May 27, 2011 at 5:04 pm

You win some and you loose some, especially at Shark Island on a East swell the odds are stacked against you, Here Ian Revell cops a flogging on a shallow dredger around ’79 photo Chris Stroh

Posted in 70's | Shark Island

Kneelo Shark Island ’80.

Posted: May 24, 2011 at 8:57 pm

Not sure who but this unknown kneeboard charger is having a real dig right on sunrise around 1980 on a mean Shark Island day.Photo Chris Stroh

Posted in 80's | Shark Island

Mark Malloy Shark Island.

Posted: May 11, 2011 at 12:13 pm

Shot during a classic Island swell in March 1980. Mark “Froggo”Malloy paddled into this Island pit on a 5ft 10” Sky wide stubby single fin. Seconds after this photo was snapped his board which was way to short ran out of steam and he got sucked up and over and pulverised by the lip. It was the worst wipeout of his surfing career but a memorable one. Photo Chris Stroh .

Posted in 80's | Shark Island

Island Swell 1980.

Posted: May 11, 2011 at 11:58 am

It was  in March 1980 when the ocean served up a massive easterly swell. It was overcast and rainy which made it look ever scarier than it was.  The Island was maxing out but still ride able in between the closeout sets. Jim Banks was easily the standout amongst only a handful of takers. Banksy rode one of his  Hawaiian guns and wrote a story about the day in Tracks which stirred up a bit of controversy with a few jealous locals. This shot by Peter Simons was from that day.

Posted in 80's | Shark Island

Grub @ Shark Island

Posted: April 23, 2011 at 3:07 pm

Grant “Grub” Coulter ever stylish pulls smooth moves out Shark Island early 90s pic Chris Stroh.

Posted in 90's | Shark Island

Greg “OX”Mckinnley

Posted: April 16, 2011 at 2:30 pm

During the 90’s Ox McKinnley and his brother Dave were a familiar site in the Island lineup. Ox lived for those heavy days and was  counted on to be the first out every new swell. This pic was shot by Johnny Frank around ’95.

Posted in 90's | Shark Island

Chris Iredale

Posted: April 13, 2011 at 3:53 pm

Mr Stylish, Chris Iredale longtime Island standout, pic late 80’s by Chris Stroh.

Posted in 80's | Shark Island

Mark Ryan

Posted: March 6, 2011 at 6:00 pm

Mark “Rhino” Ryan making charging at Shark Island look too easy. Photo Chris Stroh Circa early 90’s.

Posted in 90's | Shark Island