Posted: November 27, 2010 at 1:56 pm
Jim Parkinson was a fixture down at the Jackson Surfboard factory well respected for his clean shapes and progressive designs. Check out this 70’s pic of Parko and one of his more unsual shapes photo by Tim Vanderlaan, courtesy Jackson Surfboards.
Posted in 70's
Posted: November 27, 2010 at 1:14 pm
Here’s an advertisement for Peter Clarke Surfboards back in 1970 when the factory was situated at Taren Point. Check out the stubby twin fin design popular back in the day.
Posted in 70's
Posted: November 25, 2010 at 10:42 am
Here’s an oldie but a goody of three of The Point regulars back in the early 70’s on a party wave at The Point. The late Chris Vickers, knee doggy Rob McLaggen and Jacko shaper Jim Parkinson. I think Chris Vickers was one of the of the original characters that the book Puberty Blues was based around. Photo by Rob King courtesy Jackson Surfboards.
Posted in 70's
Posted: November 20, 2010 at 4:28 pm
Surfabout was the big event back in the late 70’s. When contest director Graham Cassidy moved the semi finals Southside the local groms were frothing to see there surf heroes in the flesh surfing The Point. This clip features PT, Banksy, Simon Anderson, Cheynne Horan and others.
Posted: November 16, 2010 at 11:46 pm
Southern Comfort Surfboards kept the local crew happy with there clean lines and cutting edge shapes back in the 70’s. Denny Childs the hot local goofyfoot and wild child was head shaper when this adv. ran in the Tracks issue 51 in ’74. The factory ended up going out of business when the owners were busted for a large narcotic importation racket involving flight stewards. While the surfboards were going out the front door stoking the groms ,seedy stuff was going on out the backdoor. Thats Denny in the photo.
Posted in 70's
Posted: November 12, 2010 at 7:29 am
Brian “Jacko” Jackson is the grand daddy of Cronulla surfing. His factory has been in the same location for so long its should be listed as surf heritage theres so much history revolving around it. Jackos approach has always been very basic and to the point. Jacko never lays on any bullshit, he’s straight down the line just like this early Jackson Surfboards advertisement. The tag… Surfers who ride a surfboard built by a true surfer.Hes included many local names from the time. From Tracks Mag September ’71.
Posted in 70's
Posted: November 10, 2010 at 8:04 pm
1975 this G&S advertisement appeared in Surfing World magazine. It featured some pretty impressive shapers for the time like PT, Alan Blythe, Terry Bishop, Steve Griffiths, Robert Connely, Peter Glasson and Bob “Mr Moonbean” Liddell.
Posted in 70's | General | In The Media
Posted: November 10, 2010 at 7:53 pm
Two of The Points most consistent standouts in the 70’s were the two Gregs. Greg Melhuish on the left was known for his clean style and his even cleaner G&S shapes. Greg McMaster on the right was your local charger. Nothing flash just balls to the wall, pull into the biggest and meanest tubes that 2nd reef could throw up . Both photos were taken by one of the best water photographers of the time Dave Shaw who when he wasnt snapping away was charging hard on his surf mat.
Posted: November 7, 2010 at 7:53 pm
Ross Marshall and Craig Naylor two of Cronullas hottest riders around the late 70’s scored when the Surfing World crew took them south on a surf photo mission. The result was a huge feature in the SW Annual Vol 7. Ross made the cover and his sunglasses were cut out. Many of the pics were snapped at Blackrock where Craig excelled in the barrel on his forehand.The boys scored big time.
Posted in 70's | In The Media
Posted: November 3, 2010 at 2:57 pm
Check out this Gordon and Smith advertisement from the pages of Tracks in April ’79. Classic stuff when the brand was going off with 3 surf outlets.
Posted in 70's | In The Media