Luke Mulhall

Posted: June 30, 2011 at 2:08 pm

Cronulla Point  ’79 US photographer Daryll Jones who worked for Surfer Magazine came to OZ and snapped a few solid sessions at The Point and The Island of the local crew. Luke Mulhall scored the main shot from that Point session while Dave Wilson wrote the 2 page story for Surfer.

Posted in 70's

Surfabout ’76 Cronulla Point

Posted: June 24, 2011 at 6:50 pm

Coca Cola Surfabout came to Cronulla Point in May 1976. with it some of the surfing superstars of the time came too, they  stood on the Point, spoke to the locals and surfed a comp.For the young local kids it was a dream come true. We’d only seen  these guys on the big screen or in pictures in surf magazine. Photos by Tim Vanderlaan.

Left to right Mark Warren, Rory Russell,Gerry Lopez, ?,Geoff Luton head judge and Mark Richards.

Left to right…Col Smith, Mark Warren,Ted Spencer,Gerry Lopez, Geoff Luton Claw, Terry Fitzgerald, ?.

Posted in 70's | The Point

Geoff Solness’79

Posted: June 22, 2011 at 11:26 am

The late Geoff Solness fearless Island charger on a warping beast, shot taken around ’79 by Chris Stroh

Posted in 70's | Shark Island

G&S and Popout ’77

Posted: June 22, 2011 at 11:17 am

Classic shot of Gerry “Popout”Manion at Cronulla -point riding a Banksy shape from Gordon and Smith photo by Greg Button.

Posted in 70's

Peter Britton

Posted: June 22, 2011 at 11:09 am

During the 70’s the reefs of Cronulla became a haven for alternate wave riding vehicles. With hollow tubes like The Point, Suckrock and Shark Island kneeboarders like Peter Britton where a familar sight in the lineup. This shot taken at Boat Harbour around ’76 was taken by Dave Shaw.

Posted in 70's

Gerry Manion Jan ’76

Posted: June 19, 2011 at 2:15 pm

Popout must have been loving this day…no bodyboards back then and no crowds. The shots were taken in Jan/ 76 by Tim Vanderlaan

Posted in 70's | Shark Island

Jim Banks ’76

Posted: June 19, 2011 at 1:29 pm

When this pic of Jim Banks was taken at Elouera Beach in’76 Bansky was just beginning to make a name for himself as a local ripper. Photo Tim Vanderlaan.

Posted in 70's

Ross Marshall ’76

Posted: June 15, 2011 at 7:23 pm

Check out Ross Marshall and mate exiting after a session at Elouera Beach in ’76. Note the classic Stinger design. Photo Tim Vanderlaan

Posted in 70's

Pikers Hole ’70s

Posted: June 15, 2011 at 7:22 pm

This shot appeared in a Surfing World mag back in the 70s probably the first image of Solander ever seen.check out the guy in the foreground with the George Greenough spoon kneeboard. From the Chasing Chalk website.

Posted in 70's

Point Bazza

Posted: June 15, 2011 at 7:22 pm

This classic shot appeared in Surfing  Magazine June ’79 featuring Bondi surfer Geoff Doig from a 6 page article on Cronulla Point photo by Dave Shaw.

Posted in 70's | The Point