John Vass

Posted: September 5, 2011 at 12:05 pm

 Sandshoes standout John Vass was a familiar face in the lineup throughout the 70’s always picking off the sets and knowing the short shallow reef intimately. This pic by Steve Core appeared in Surfing World in Vol 18 in ’74.

Posted in 70's

Night Outs

Posted: September 1, 2011 at 4:37 pm

The 60s boys…Birdshit (front left ) Dags ( far front right ) and not so Filthy second from right but he may have had overalls under the suit, or pyjamas.

Left 70’s party animals Steve Core and Ross Longbottom with zink on nose. Right 80’s presso with Tim Gibson and French Maid

90’s Hell Groms on the night prowl, to young for the pub.


Posted in 60's | 70's | 80's | 90's | General

Rolf “Rotten”Myers

Posted: September 1, 2011 at 3:54 pm

The “Rolf Rotten” name first went public in a Surfing World story by Peter Simons who captured this pic of Point heavy Rolf Myers screaming out of a Second Reef barrel. During his reign in the 70’s Rolf  had all the grommets scared stiff to surf the Point and if you did you risked being in his firing line. He’d either run you over, push you over the falls or just fade you in the pit. When he paddled out his reputation alone could clear the break of non regulars.

Posted in 70's | The Point

Eddie Little

Posted: August 24, 2011 at 2:48 pm

Eddie Little was one of the Point regulars in the 70’s,captured here lining up the barrel  for Peter Simons camera and featured in an article on Cronulla in Surfing World.

Posted in 70's

Midway Boardriders Club

Posted: August 24, 2011 at 2:12 pm

Midway Boardriders Club was founded in ’66 by Alistair Waddell and was a great club throughout  the  70s. Many of Cronulla’s future stars were Midway members. With contests most months and trips to Ulladulla  plus regular events against other Cronulla clubs and northern beaches crews. By the mid 70’s  the Midway boys were a competitive outfit and making their presence felt at amateur events. Members included Glen Smith, Ross Marshall, Alistair Wadell, Jim Banks. Craig Naylor, Barry Tyte, Dave McPherson, Andrew Ramsay, Steve Way, Peter Smith, Woofo and Smurf to name just a few. Pic below of Ross Marshall by Peter Simons.


Posted in 70's

Jim Banks ’79

Posted: August 21, 2011 at 11:58 am

Early morning summer dawn patrol, backside master Jim Banks hits The Point before the crowds. Photo Stroh ’79

Posted in 70's

Lional Royal ’73

Posted: August 18, 2011 at 3:29 pm

This is one of the first surf photos I ever took, using my first camera a Nikormat and 200mm lens. Lional Royal was a bigger than life character who charged hard in everything he did. From taking on macking Point and Voodoo to  pounding kooks. I remember once a story he punched out two Sharpies at the same time using both fists, what a legend. He died a hero well before his time. Lional at big Voodoo in ’73 photo Chris Stroh

Posted in 70's

Windensea Boys ’78

Posted: August 18, 2011 at 3:10 pm

The Windensea Boardriders crew of the late 70’s were a bunch of young kids who were pushing performance levels around the beachies and in State and local Pro Ams. Members included Ross Marshal, Pete Smith, Craig Naylor, Dave De Figg, Rob Glossip, Lindsay Williams and Mark Kelly to name just a few.  The club lasted around 12 months  and  was reborn as Cronulla Boardriders Club. Below photos are Lindsay Williams KP water angle  and Mark Kelly backside off the top. Photos Chris Stroh

Posted in 70's

The Drop at The Point.

Posted: August 13, 2011 at 11:41 am

When its big Cronulla Point is not an easy place to surf. The takeoff can be vertical as the waves jack as the swells hit 2nd reef and the bottom half of the wave disappears as you scramble to your feet. Even harder (unless your Jim Banks) on your backside like this uknown surfer is about to find out. After taking this pic as the guy nose dived,I ducked under the surface and could hear his board breaking loudly in two on impact under the waves. Photo taken around ‘late 70’s by Stroh.

Posted in 70's | The Point

Gary Hughes

Posted: August 13, 2011 at 11:29 am

Mid 70’s Gary Hughes was the rising star at Cronulla Point, taking off deep and charging the heaviest barrels Cronulla’s reefs could serve up. Peter Simmons was the instigator on this Hughsey profile  which appeared in Surfing World giving the young local talent some well earned publicity. In the latest issue Aug 2011 Tracks theres a shot and brief writeup about Gazza still ripping it up in Puerto Escondido. Pics by Simmo

Posted in 70's | The Point