Peter Townend

Posted: September 14, 2012 at 7:24 pm

In the mid 70’s  many of Surfing’s biggest names where regularily hanging out at Cronulla giving the local groms plenty of competitive push and inspiration which had been lacking in previous years. World class riders like PT, Ian Cairns and Michael Peterson where just some of the big guns who were spending a lot of time in the area. With PT riding and shaping at G&S  he became accepted as a part time local when he wasn’t on tour and found most days at Sandshoes where the photo below was captured around ’76.Photos Steve core.


Posted in 70's

G&S 1970.

Posted: August 31, 2012 at 12:37 pm

Gordon and Smith testimonial advertisement from 1970 featuring the Bob Brown (blonde  Bobby) surf shop on the Kingsway.

Posted in 70's

Ross Marshall ’78

Posted: August 25, 2012 at 12:13 pm

Ross Marshall like many of Cronulla’s rising surfing talents of the late 70’s were constant visitors to the South Coast. With so many decent reef waves on offer and a chance to escape Cronulla’s usual average beach break conditions Ross and his mates would be heading down the highway and the hint of swell. These shots taken in early ’78  at Pipe rights by Rob King.


Posted in 70's

Peter Townend ’78

Posted: August 18, 2012 at 2:12 pm

PT was a regular sight surfing at The Point and Sandshoes in the mid 70’s. Shaping his board models out of G&S  saw the 1976 World Champ hitting the local spots when he wasn’t on tour. These photos were taken in ’78 when the Coke Cola Surfabout rolled into town. It was man on man at The Point. Back in PT’s pink days. Photo Rob King.


Posted in 70's | The Point

Jim Banks ’78

Posted: August 18, 2012 at 1:31 pm

1978 was a big year in the competitive life of Jim Banks. He started the year on top of the world when as a trialist in the Coke Cola Surfabout at Narrabeen Jim managed to knock out MR in there first round main event heat with the help of a 6 second tube ride. He continued his momentum up to the semis where he was defeated by Wayne Lynch. A 3rd place in the worlds richest contest saw young  Jim popularity on the rise. He was next thrown a 3 year sponsor deal by The Bronzed Aussies which offered to pay his travel expenses to compete on the rest of the tour. Banks was now Cronullas first pro surfer since Frank Latta moved Northside in the early 70’s. Banks pic from Waves.

Posted in 70's

Glen Vickers

Posted: August 9, 2012 at 8:49 pm

January 1978 local Cronulla surfer Glen Vickers makes the most of a classic year for southerly swells with a day at The Point photo Rob King.




Posted in 70's | The Point

Shaun Smith / Smurf

Posted: August 9, 2012 at 8:21 pm

Shaun Smith (Smurf) speed trimming out Cronulla Point 1977 one of the best Cronulla Goofy foots throughout the 70’s and beyond photo Rob King.

Posted in 70's | The Point

Baron Surfboards

Posted: August 9, 2012 at 8:18 pm

Swallow tail, Baron Surfboard from the early 70’s.

Posted in 70's


Posted: August 9, 2012 at 8:10 pm

 2 photos of a Cronulla character/legend from the past Dave DeFigueiredo or commonly known as Figga. Doing an M P style cutty out the front of Wanda clubhouse 1977 and standing on the beach at Pipe with a classic Bill York shaped stinger pintail in October 78. Photos Rob King.




Posted in 70's | The Alley

Phantom Reef

Posted: August 9, 2012 at 7:52 pm

Phantom Reef breaks around 500 metres outside of Shark Island. If you see it breaking you know the swell is very big as it acts as a set indicator. That same swell will be heading straight towards 2nd reef at The Point. Photo taken January ’78 by Rob King. 



Posted in 70's