Baron Surfboards

Posted: June 30, 2011 at 2:15 pm

Baron Surfboards order form from the late 60’s with Frank Latta head shaper at the Taren Point factory.

Posted in 60's

Jack Eden.

Posted: June 19, 2011 at 2:29 pm


 A few tales about legendary surf photographer Jack Eden……Jack lives at Ramsgate,and started surfing at Bondi,before invading our territory. we were not keen on Jack, because he a noisy bugger on a wave,shouting ,yahooing etc .he was riding a board that had  a sharp turn up in the nose,much like a “pixie slipper “.so the nick name i gave him was “Pixie” ( still is ).it didnt take long for Jack to make it with the locals. he was always noisy out the back. when The Point was on,and a big set was on the way, he would yell ” save the women and children ! no f… them ,save yourselves.!! Jack was the first guy i saw do a floater at the point. he slid into the water, pushed a poop out, and it floated, and as he tried to get back on his board ,the thing was floating up his back. around this time,two of his brothers billy (flaps ) and tony (cuppies ) were surfing with us too . Jacks youngest bro Harry played presidents cup for St George.the captain was Ivan Henjak.(boo Broncos ). so during winter we would surf the morning,then go out to the football. i would go with “cheeks”. in those days you would get 4 games in an afternoon. also the game of the day was at SCG. so we would park in dowling st opp the Bat and Ball,sink a couple and walk thru the park, grab a couple of hot dogs,then up in the stands, and cheer on the Saints. the Eden boys could make a lot of noise. so when i was living at Coolum, i used to go to Noosa festival of surfing, and check out the prog to see anyone i knew ( yes i looked for you doug ) and Jacks name was there, so i found him and he didnt know me. i gave him some clues,no go, and then he said “wots my nickname ?”too easy jack Pixie,after all i named you !! just call me al (alzheimers ) he said.not long ago Birdshit said he was not well,after all he would be 80 this year……From the Ray Greenaway memory bank. Photo above Jacks magazine Surfabout 1962 edition.

Posted in 60's

First Memories and Impressions by Dags

Posted: June 19, 2011 at 1:55 pm

 Before the Yanks brought out their balsa  boards in ’56 , there was only  the long racing boards,at about l6ft. in length. Mostly ridden by Clubbies (SLSC) and the boards were kept at the board shed. Made of ply,with flat top and round bottom,blunt nose and long tapered tail. Some called them “cigar” boards. You had to be a strong bloke just to get them to the water.Every beach had their share of guys  who could make them slide.

      At Cronulla, while still at school, I remember being out body surfing and having to dodge school buds Gordon Opperman and Bruce Morris on the big beasts. A little later I joined the club and could share the magic that these guys were into.  Alan and Keith Brown had boards at the club and gave me access.They were easy enough to paddle and get on  a wave but a lot more practice to stand up. It was a great feeling sliding toward the beach, and sound of the water drumming against the board. Similar sound to chop lapping against a row boat when your old man took you fishing as a kid.
                 At Cronulla we were blessed with “THE POINT” so the more experienced surfers could catch monster waves on monster boards and the king of the days was called “Monster” i.e. Keith Suann. I was told the Keith would take off on the biggest wave,turn backwards and wave to the boys. Impressive.
                 Another day, when the swell was really big, I was at the George Bass Memorial in Port Hacking,(just around from “Sandshoes”. These Heroes of the early days were catching big green swells and sliding  1 to 2 K’s up river. John  Yabsley was always there.
                 I did not get to join them at the Point in those days, because I was one of  “the forunate sons’ , who was onthe beach at Cronulla in ’56, and a new life started!   Written by Ray “Dags” Greenaway. Picture above of Dags Cronulla Point ’62

Posted in 60's

Board Hire 1963

Posted: June 19, 2011 at 1:42 pm

According to photographer Bob Weeks who shot it…This  pic  was taken at Red House in 1963 when Bob Findon set up a board hire business on weekends. I think he borrowed the boards from Jacko. That’s Bob on the left and Ian Selig with the hat and I don’tknow who the other guy is.
Filthy Findons board hire. when the North Easter came up we would put our own boards in with Filthys. It usually made enough for pie or cake at Cronulla pie shop remebers Ray “Dags”Greenaway.

Posted in 60's

Tailgaters ’63

Posted: June 8, 2011 at 6:51 pm

Tailgating on the track to Voodoo in ’63 photo by Bob Weeks. More vintage pics fron Ray “Dags”Greenaway and some of the Cronulla boys of the early 60’s on surfari in NZ here 

Posted in 60's

Bobby Brown

Posted: May 29, 2011 at 2:52 pm

This drawing of Bobby Brown appeared in a 60’s issue of International Surfing mag in a mini interview by Jack Eden.At the time this was a major scoop for the young Cronulla surfer. 

Posted in 60's

Vintage Album 50’s.

Posted: May 27, 2011 at 5:29 pm


 Check out this Vintage collection of surf pics from the 50’s to around ’63 courtesy of Ray Greenaway. The pics are mostly by Jack Eden and Bob Weeks.They capture some of the first images of Cronulla surfers. Also make sure you check out some of the knicknames from back in the day. The shot above features Ray Greenaway and Gary Birdsall and their classic surf cruiser.Click below

Posted in 60's

G&S 60’s Adv.

Posted: May 24, 2011 at 9:04 pm

Gordon and Smith 60’s advertisement.

Posted in 60's

Bob Weekes 60’s Surf Photographer.

Posted: May 14, 2011 at 3:17 pm

In the 60’s two Cronulla based surf photographers captured the classic surf pics and culture of the times. Living legends Jack Eden and Bob Weekes images take us back to another time and era when boards were longer and life was less hectic. The image of Wanda carpark below back in ’62 is from Bobs collection and many more of his retro images are now available for purchase.

Posted in 60's

Bobby Brown Profile.

Posted: May 14, 2011 at 3:05 pm

In the May issue of Surfing World magazine there’s a informative article about Cronulla surfing legend Bobby Brown called Forever Twenty. The article features classic photos by Albert Falzon and insight from Andrew McKinnon who will be  touring up and down the coast with the Bobby Brown exhibition featuring classic pics and memorabilia.

Posted in 60's