Bobby Brown

Posted: October 13, 2011 at 6:07 pm

The legendary Bobby Brown captured in flight at Sandon Point from the pages of The Australian Pictorial History of Surfing Circa 60’s.

Posted in 60's


Posted: September 16, 2011 at 12:50 pm

Another blast from the past this time we get the inside scoop  on how Sandshoes was discovered by Ray Greenaway aka Dags………..It was a Sunday, we were all  hanging the spots around Northies. there was a bit of swell around, but the SE wind was knocking it about. Dormouse, Tossil and Cheeks decided to go spear fishing, they drove to Oak Park  and when they had a look at the conditions they saw a wave off the rocks. After watching for awhile, they thought “this looks good enough to ride “.  The same Sunday night, there was a surf movie on  at Miranda theatre. By this time,crowds to surf movies needed bigger venues. Anyhow,Dormouse, Tossil and Cheeks were there, with great cheezy grins and telling everyone what a great surf they had that day at a new secret spot. They went on a lot about it, saying it was down the coast. One of them got a bit sloppy and mentioned “OP”  (other places)’. Well Dags had a bit of luck that same day. Around noon, Dags was going west near the hospital, and spotted the trio going east.It didn’t seem enough time for these 3 guys to have gone down the coast. Dags along with his brothers used to swim at Oak Park as kids and had a feeling he knew were this new secret spot was located. So the next morning Dags picked up Skol (Ian Selig ) and Chook (Alan Falls ), and off we went to OP, and it was on. We surfed it all the week before work, and on Saturday and we took Lance Fisher (Fishy). So there we were Saturday morning early, and when the boys rolled up to their secret spot, we were out there razzing them. It was two fingers in those days. So how was it named sandshoes? After getting a foot full of spikes off a sea urchin,we decided to protect our feet with sandshoes. Well that didn’t last long, they were a bit clumsy, but we kept the name because it was still a secret spot. When the NE came up, that would be the end of the session, and we were the ones with the cheezy grins outside the pie shop. It was kept secret for months, until one fateful day, Dormouse brought the mob around. There were 2 local kids who used to surf with us. One named Teryy and the other Binskin. I came across the Bin one day at Coolum Beach. His son and mine were competing in Qld Under 15 titles. I always looked at the heats board to see anyone I may know and there was the Bins name. Got someone to point him out, sided up to the Bin and said “didn’t you wear dessert boots at Sandshoes “? Well ,he near shit himself, jumped back and said “who are you “.  All the names mentioned in the story are ,like me, in Qld now, exept Tossil, who I believe is at Old Bar………….dags over and out.

Lance Fisher from back in the day with sandshoes on at OP’s.

Posted in 60's

Bobby Brown Exhibition

Posted: September 10, 2011 at 6:01 pm

It was a who’s who of Cronulla surfing hierarchy today at Jackson Surfboards for day one of the Bobby Brown Exhibition. Gary Birdsall, Dave Milne, Jacko, Jack Eden, The Fox,Steve Core plus co ordinator Andy Mac and many more turned up to check out the pics, boards and memorabilia. You can check it out this week. Below the man himself at Apollo Bay Vic. ’64 Photo  from Australian Pictorial History of Surfing.


Posted in 60's

Norm Casey Surfboards 60’s

Posted: September 10, 2011 at 5:47 pm

Norm Casey Surfboards at the Taren Point factory eventually changed hands and was to become known as Peter Clarke Surfboards.Logo courtesy Steve Core.

Posted in 60's

Bobby Brown Exhibition

Posted: September 5, 2011 at 4:46 pm

10th September from 1 pm at Jackson Surfboards Taren Point.

Posted in 60's

Night Outs

Posted: September 1, 2011 at 4:37 pm

The 60s boys…Birdshit (front left ) Dags ( far front right ) and not so Filthy second from right but he may have had overalls under the suit, or pyjamas.

Left 70’s party animals Steve Core and Ross Longbottom with zink on nose. Right 80’s presso with Tim Gibson and French Maid

90’s Hell Groms on the night prowl, to young for the pub.


Posted in 60's | 70's | 80's | 90's | General

Discovering Greenhills

Posted: August 24, 2011 at 2:31 pm

        Ray Greenaway was one of the first surfers in Cronulla,  here he takes us back to discovering Greenhills for the first time.Photos by Bob Weeks ….. Filthy Findon was a car mechanic. he got himself a genuine US Army jeep. So this day, Filthy,Cancer,Birdshit and Dags, loaded the boards and headed north along the beach. Filthy drove the jeep onto the beach just north of Wanda clubhouse, and drove way,way up the beach. we went as far as where the beach turns toward Boat Harbour, and the north easter gets to be almost offshore. we were rewarded with a shallow sand bar with a good left hander running to the beach. Ok, we now had to find our own way to Green Hills without Filthy’s jeep. Every one knew about the sand quarries,so Skol,Chook and Dags set off the next sunday ( no trucks working )straight up and over, and hit the spot first go. When we were Clubbies, we come out in the night for paraletic olympics. That is you drink until you are pissed, and then the paraletic olmypics start. Car racing around the sand pit, running up sand hills and rolling down. Next  you could enter the distance chunder contest. At one of these events, a couple of the younger guys decided to walk back to the club, along the sand hills, anyhow next day when we saw them, they said they fell into a sea of shit in the dark. “Come on”,we said, they said “we will take you out there”. So opposite  the golf club,and almost to the Kurnell road, we headed into the sand hills,and there it was, a sea of shit. Dead trees poking out the top, eerie fog and croaking frogs. You may remember the smell just before turning at Captain Cook drive……….dags   
Greenhills carpark 1964
Greenhills crew ’64
Filthy Findons jeep with Rockers onboard ’63 photos Bob Weeks

Posted in 60's

Mick Moylan

Posted: August 21, 2011 at 11:43 am

In the late 60’s Mick was the hottest junior on the Southside and looked to be following in the late Bobby Browns footsteps as the next big thing. When son Mark a young talented surfer himself came along the pair were a familar sight around Elouera surfing together in the later 80’s. For a while Mick was part owner of G&S. This shot of Mr Moylan taken during an EBC comp around ’87 by Stroh

Posted in 60's

Barry Regan Pioneer Surfer.

Posted: August 9, 2011 at 7:47 pm

Heres a recent pic of Barry Regan(white cap) one of Cronullas first pioneer surfers from the 50’s and early 60’s. Back then he was a member of South Cronulla Surf club.  The photo was taken at the Wood Board day at Currumbin, August 7th 2011. To read a  interview with Barry see:

Posted in 60's | General

Mystery Surfer 60’s

Posted: August 5, 2011 at 2:32 pm

Heres one from Dags for the Sixty crew, a bit of a game “can you name that surfer”.
We had a mate with troublinG Bladder ,but first we must set the scene !!! we used to drink at the was about 150 metres down hill to our sleepinG Bunks in the board friday nights we would be drinkinG Beer , mostly with the Jannali boys , hitcho, daisy,bernie frankie ,and dags and birdshit. now every now and then one would be missinG But would be back shortly. dags ask wheres daisy and they would say gone to confession. so these strange confessinG Buggers would amuse dags was not R.C. and did not one for hocus pokus. and these were the surfinB Buds who found $3 shagginG Brothel in darlinghurst,now i know  you know who this is!!,of course the story is not over,,
10 pm closinG Bar bit early for us ,so we took a walk thru town and then down to surfinG Board shed. we looked around and noticed missinG Budie. some ratbaG Bludger said maybe the cops would know where our mate with troublinG Bladder. was. so trottinG Back up town to the cop shop.!! wellthe cop said yeah we got your surfinG Brother and he is stayinG Behind bars tonight and if you anoyinG Bastards dont piss off,you ill be goinG Behind bars.too!!!so we went back to surfinG Board shed and did not see our mate till sat !!!so know he has to tell us about his adventure.!!he said he was bustinG Balls for a leak, and he was in the park having a pee against a tree , so these effinG Bastards in plain clothes ,each grabbed hin by elbows lifting and said ” watcha doinG Bodgie “.  i am having a piss our mate said ,whats the effinG B usiness of yours ?? well, they said ,were the fuzzinG Bastards and youl come awltzinG Bad boy with me !!!!well this story has to end somewhere so i really hope you found enough clues to i.d. or mate with the worryinG Bladder and if you failed i can only say   DUH !!!dags over and out

Posted in 60's