Jack Eden Classic ’61

Posted: October 28, 2012 at 3:20 pm

Another gem from Jack Edens classic portfolio. This time its Brian Jackson, Alan Wingate and John Murphy hanging out 60’s style.From the pages of Tracks.

Posted in 60's

Bobby Brown

Posted: October 19, 2012 at 11:15 am

Bobby Brown was the orginal hot dogger in Cronulla in the early 60’s. He was the first to nose ride which at the time was the hottest move a malibu rider could pull. What set Bobby apart from other local riders was his ability in all kinds of waves. He could handle the Point and Voodoo on those big days as well as walk the board and he did it all with style. Photo by Jack Eden.


Posted in 60's

Jack Eden

Posted: October 19, 2012 at 10:29 am

Jack Eden started taking surfing photos in the late 50’s and published 24 issues of Surfabout magazine in the mid sixties, which gave the Southside its first coverage. The first photos of Cronulla Point, Voodoo and Sandshoes opened up the possibilities that the Southside had to offer. Riders like Bobby Brown, Frank Latta and Qld transplant Keith Paull before returning north where  regularily featured. Many of his images captured the sport in what Jack refers to as the golden era of surfboard riding. It was all experimental as there was no guidlines and the surfers back then were making it up as they went. Jack below shows off some of his work  which is like a time capsule and is regularily featured in museums.


Posted in 60's


Posted: October 12, 2012 at 7:09 pm

Jack Edens Surfabout Magazine Vol 2 No 8 featured an article about this mysterious reef wave not far from Kurnell.Surfers like Scott Dillion had been frequenting the wave for sometime and Jack  captured the first images of this unique wave. Circa 60’s.

Posted in 60's | Voodoo

Norm Casey

Posted: October 1, 2012 at 9:47 pm

Early 60’s Norm Casey 9ft Malibu with D Fin.

Posted in 60's

Terry Steen Cronulla Point ’65

Posted: September 21, 2012 at 8:00 pm

Cronulla Point has always been a haven for surfboard riders since the earliest days. In the early  60’s it was Gary Birdsall, Bobby Brown, Ray “Dags”Greenaway and Graham Ferris that first conquered the difficult tube on their long boards. As boards got a few feet shorter and more maneuverable riders like Terry Steen pictured below were able to angle their boards and get barreled more regularly. Water shots in ’65 were quite rare so this shot taken by Bob Weeks was a classic back then and still one now. From Surfabout Magazine.

Posted in 60's | The Point

Bill Penrue

Posted: September 14, 2012 at 7:30 pm

This pic of taken at The Point appeared in Surfabout magazine in ’63. The caption read “Bill Penrue locked in a transperent early morning wave and on the verge of being wiped out. A local rider keeps a wary eye on Bill”. Photo by legendary surf photographer Bob Weeks.

Posted in 60's | The Point

Jack Eden.

Posted: August 31, 2012 at 12:37 pm

Another classic Cronulla Point shot from the Jack Eden portfolio appeared in a story in Surfabout Vol 2 No 10 in 1965. At the time Jack was one of the very few photographers who were shooting water angles. Water housings were pretty rare so often photographers would paddle out with their camera in a plastic bag and sit on the shoulder on top of their longboards risking their equipment. Jack was a pioneer in this area and he captured many iconic surf images of that era.  He also gave Southside surfers some well earned coverage.



Posted in 60's

Jackson Adv. 1965

Posted: August 31, 2012 at 12:19 pm

From the pages of Surfabout 1965.

Posted in 60's

1956 USA Surfers Visit Cronulla.

Posted: August 31, 2012 at 12:00 pm

In 1956 The American Life Saving team out here for the Melbourne Olympics arrived in Cronulla and showed off their new revolutionary Balsa wood fiber-glassed surfboards. A big crowd turned up at South Cronulla to see them. Photo courtesy Dags.


Posted in 60's