Occy @ Blackrock

Posted: November 5, 2010 at 8:00 pm

Seeing Occy at Blackrock in the flesh is like watching Lopez at Pipe or MP at Kirra , they were made for one another. Occy on his Rusty absolutely tore it up this day. The Occster was in his prime back in the early to mid 80’s when he was riding for Billabong and Peak and had the narrowest of waist lines and his surfing was raw and spontaneous. He rocked up with Dog and Sean Charters around early mid morning and was soon getting the deepest barrels. One wave in particular comes to mind, I was a little too slow getting out of his way trying to get the last second shot in the barrel. Just when my head was about to collide with the nose of his board he fully bunny hopped me and kept going. Ive have never had anyone do that before or since. This pic brings back classic memories of the kid at his peak….photo Chris Stroh



Posted in 80's | Occy