Discovering Greenhills
Posted: August 24, 2011 at 2:31 pm
Ray Greenaway was one of the first surfers in Cronulla, here he takes us back to discovering Greenhills for the first time.Photos by Bob Weeks ….. Filthy Findon was a car mechanic. he got himself a genuine US Army jeep. So this day, Filthy,Cancer,Birdshit and Dags, loaded the boards and headed north along the beach. Filthy drove the jeep onto the beach just north of Wanda clubhouse, and drove way,way up the beach. we went as far as where the beach turns toward Boat Harbour, and the north easter gets to be almost offshore. we were rewarded with a shallow sand bar with a good left hander running to the beach. Ok, we now had to find our own way to Green Hills without Filthy’s jeep. Every one knew about the sand quarries,so Skol,Chook and Dags set off the next sunday ( no trucks working )straight up and over, and hit the spot first go. When we were Clubbies, we come out in the night for paraletic olympics. That is you drink until you are pissed, and then the paraletic olmypics start. Car racing around the sand pit, running up sand hills and rolling down. Next you could enter the distance chunder contest. At one of these events, a couple of the younger guys decided to walk back to the club, along the sand hills, anyhow next day when we saw them, they said they fell into a sea of shit in the dark. “Come on”,we said, they said “we will take you out there”. So opposite the golf club,and almost to the Kurnell road, we headed into the sand hills,and there it was, a sea of shit. Dead trees poking out the top, eerie fog and croaking frogs. You may remember the smell just before turning at Captain Cook drive……….dags

Greenhills carpark 1964
Greenhills crew ’64
Filthy Findons jeep with Rockers onboard ’63 photos Bob Weeks